
This article analyzes oligotrophy and its implications on the life of a modern…


Today's article is dedicated fot fluorine and closes the halogen cycle,…


Bromine is part of the group of the halogens. The concentration in natural…


Iron is a fundamental element for both animal and vegetal cells. In the field…


Everyone knows iodine and its importance for our organism, we better know that…

HQI lamps

Metal-halide or HQI lamps were the first to be successfully used for reef…

Upgrading T5 fixture with LEDs

Attention: the modification of electronic devices requires an electronic…

T5 lamps

Today we analyze the lighting system universally recognized as the best for…

Organic charge

In this article we try to give this term a definition, since it is sometimes…


Dosage: 1 ml/100 litri/daily Storage: away from light K-balance is the…