Dosage: 1 ml/100 litri/daily
Storage: away from light
B-balance is the boron supply developed by Korallen Zucht for zeovit method. It is available in various seizes, depending on tank dimensions and, considering the required dosage, the consumption is quite huge, also on small tanks.
Here I report the product description:
Pohl’s B-Balance contains essential minerals and its addition makes it possible to keep delicate animals such as Cespitularia. Especially enhances the color red in Acropora, Stylopora and Pocillopora. Corals are healthier and more rubust, base encrustation is more solid and also grow in darkly lit areas.
I close this brief presentation reminding that boron has a bland purging effect, so it is necessary to check coral conditions after the first dosages. Furthermore I suggest to be vary careful when dosing it together with ZEOspur, since the cumulative effect can seriously damage corals.
For further informations about boron you can read the dedicated article.